曉鹿鳴樓 董事長 曾隱舜

穀果國際控股集團 董事長

曉鹿鳴樓-上海菜餐廳 創辦人

DOKI蒸鮮飯品牌 創辦人

智慧永續顧問有限公司 董事長

台灣食品農業淨零循環經濟協會 創會理事長

Current position:
Founder & CEO, Taidatable Gugo Shanghainese Kitchen
Founder, DOKI POKE Kitchen Brand
President, Sustainable Strategic Planning and Consulting CO., LTD
President and founder, Taiwan Net-Zero Association for Food, Agriculture and Circular Economy

2023年商業總會第五屆金舶獎 獲獎人

經濟部「綠色盒餐獎」 獲獎企業主

經濟部「台灣好食獎」 獲獎企業主

臺北市政府「台北好企機」ESG創新先鋒隊 獲獎企業主

華南金控「要淨零、拚轉型、華南伴你行」全台說明會 講師

聯輔基金會「企業永續經營及綠色融資」會議 講師

國立台灣大學「永續論壇」 講師

國立海洋大學「飼料精準營養宇腸道菌相多元健康」 講師

長庚大學 「碳中和餐廳經營購座」 講師

國立教育廣播電臺「美麗台灣永續家園」 節目特邀來賓

Awardee, The 5th Golden Ship Award (2023), General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China
Student Recruiting Committee, Agricultural Economics Master (EMBA) Program, Department of Agriculture
Economy, National Taiwan University
Awardee for Certificate of "Green Box Meal" from Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan
Awardee for Certificate of "Gourmet Taiwan" from Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan
Awardee, StartUP@Taipei for ESG, Taipei City Government
Lecturer for a Net-Zero based promotion entitled 「要淨零、拚轉型、華銀伴你行」, Hua Nan Financial Holdings
Invited speaker, "Sustainable Business Operation and Green Financing" in Taiwan Small and Medium Enterprise Counselling Foundation
Invited speaker, "Sustainability Forum" in National Taiwan University.
Invited speaker, "Precious nutrition of feeds in gut microbiome and health" in National Taiwan Ocean University.
Invited speaker, "Carbon neutral restaurant management" in Chang Gung University.
Invited speaker for the podcast of 美麗台灣永續家園, Episode 152 of SDG12 series for 曉鹿鳴樓:淨零餐館的永續征程,National Education Radio

